Elder Scrolls 6 Release

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  1. New Elder Scrolls Game 2020
  2. Elder Scrolls 6 Release Video
  3. Elder Scrolls 6 Confirmed Valenwood

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was a huge hit, launching originally in 2011. Eight years later, players are still pouring hundreds of hours into the game, whether on PC or a console of their choice. Much of the fan base has left, but maybe occasionally pops in to put in some time in their favorite game; however, they're dearly hoping and waiting for the successor — The Elder Scrolls VI.

When it coming out? What do we know about it already? Is it going to be any better than what The Elder Scrolls V was? These are all questions that fans are hoping to be answered before the release. That's why we put together this comprehensive guide, to show you everything you need to know about the upcoming guide all in once place.

Bethesda has provided an exciting update on The Elder Scrolls 6, which still doesn't have a release date on PS5, Xbox Series X, or PC.However, while there's still no word of a release window. The elder scrolls 6 release date It might need been formally unveiled however there's sadly no confirmed launch window for Elder Scrolls 6. Although this hasn't stopped the hype round TES 6 getting the higher of some.

So, without further ado, let's dive right in.

What is The Elder Scrolls 6?

If you're not familiar with The Elder Scrolls series, the game is essentially a role-playing game with a massive world and large story line to complete. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim specifically takes place in the world of Skyrim, where you — the player — are a prisoner of war who breaks free from their shackles, discovers their lineage, and saves the world from complete destruction.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's main story line ends after defeating the final dragon boss — Alduin. We don't know much about The Elder Scrolls 6 yet; however, we imagine that that would be where the game picks up.

Will there be an Elder Scrolls 6?

The answer is a resounding 'yes!' There will be an Elder Scrolls 6 game. For years, many of us were wondering if it would even happen, but Tom Howard, the producer at Bethesda Game Studios, confirmed at E3 2018 that there would indeed be a successor, and it would be the Elder Scrolls 6.

Elder Scrolls 6 Release Date

It might be some pretty unfortunate news, but as of right now, we won't be seeing The Elder Scrolls 6 anytime soon. That's right — we have a confirmation, we have a teaser trailer, but we don't have any solid release date.

It's worth keeping in mind that Bethesda Game Studios always takes an extremely long time to launch some of its biggest role-playing game titles. We can't blame them either — it takes a ton of time to put together as big of a world as Skyrim was, let alone craft the primary story line, as well as the hundreds, if not thousands of small side quests and story lines to follow.

There's a lot that goes into the game, and unfortunately, it just takes time. On top of that, you have to consider all of the ideas that go into the game, and often get proof of concepts, but then are immediately thrown out, requiring Bethesda's creatives to go right back to the drawing board.

There are some other hurdles that Bethesda is facing for its next title as well. One of those major hurdles is the trademark that Bethesda's parent company, ZeniMax Media, is currently in legal battles for.

The rumored name of Bethesda's upcoming game is The Elder Scrolls VI: Redfall. Zenimax Studios is currently trying to trademark Redfall, but is in a fierce legal battle with BookBreeze.com over the name. That said, legal battles, and especially trademark battles, are long and arduous, so late 2020 or sometime in 2021 might be the first time before we actually see the Redfall name confirmed.

Will the game be called Redfall?

We — and the rest of the gaming community — have suspicions that the subtitle of the game will indeed be called Redfall — The Elder Scrolls VI: Redfall. This is obviously because of the Redfall trademark that ZeniMax Media has applied for.

There are a couple of suspicions on where the name could come from as well. It could be a reference to the Redguard race in Elder Scrolls, or it could be a reference to a small town that comes out of Tamriel, a world out of a previous Elder Scrolls game.

Release Date news

It's up in the air at this point, but there is a glimmer of hope that could give us a Redfall confirmation earlier than 2021. Like we mentioned, trademark disputes are long and arduous. However, BookBreeze.com (author Jay Falconer) might be willing to come to an agreement.

Falconer isn't disputing the trademark for a cash grab, according to a blog post on his own website. He's trying to protect his own rights of a brand that's he's already established. Falconer says he is disputing the trademark 'to protect what I feel is my ownership of the brand, and to protect my right to sell books (print, ebook, and audiobook) and the movie/film rights'.

A trademark from ZeniMax Media would obviously mean that Falconer would lose the rights to his brand. Office 16 activation crack. He goes on to say that:

'I want all of you to know I'm not trying to stop the game nor am I trying to get any money from the game. I want nothing from the game at all,' Falconer wrote. 'I'm only trying to protect my ability to keep selling my books. This is simply a dispute over a trademark name. Nothing more. It's not a cash grab – I want nothing from them and it should in no way hold up any game.

'With that said, we can avoid the USPTO all together and find a no-cost resolution once all parties have a conversation. We just need to have that conversation. I'm ready and willing and open to whatever resolution makes sense.'

Falconer doesn't want money — all he wants is a conversation with ZeniMax to settle this matter. That said, if Falconer and ZeniMax Media reach a settlement outside of trademark court, we could see a Redfall confirmation much earlier.

Like we mentioned earlier, we might be seeing an earlier confirmation date because Falconer does want to try and come to an agreement. As a gamer himself, he doesn't want to hold up the publication of the game. And according to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, it sounds like that might be true. The USPTO actually says that 'parties are engaged in settlement discussions,' which could have us seeing some Redfall news real soon.

There's a handful of things that could happen out of the settlement discussion. If a settlement were reached, ZeniMax Media would likely end up paying money to Falconer in most cases, whether that be through a license agreement, coexistence agreement, or a sum of money for Falconer to withdraw his claim against the trademark.

Alternatively, there could be no settlement, and the dispute would head into trademark court where a nasty and long legal battle would no doubt ensue.

The Elder Scrolls VI Gameplay

As we mentioned already, we haven't seen anything but a teaser trailer. And — in typical teasing Bethesda fashion — the trailer didn't show much beyond the words 'The Elder Scrolls VI.'

That said, we are expecting to see some gameplay later in 2020, possibly during the E3 2019 conference. Bethesda Game Studios is there almost every year, and since we saw a teaser trailer last year, we could probably expect to at least see a showcase this year. We're not sure exactly what that would entail, but Bethesda no doubt wants to keep the Elder Scrolls VI hype rain fueled.

If we saw a showcase this year, we could likely get a better idea of when the game might launch, too. For example, if Bethesda is only showing off Alpha build footage, that would indicate that the game is still in the Alpha stage, and is a long way off from an official release date.

The Elder Scrolls VI Trailer

As we mentioned, Bethesda Game Studios launched a trailer at E3 2018 last year. It was published on YouTube not long after, allowing the world to see what this teaser was all about. You can watch it for yourself with the embedded link above.

As you can see, there isn't a whole lot to see inside of it. It's not much more than a pan over some beautiful looking landscapes, and then the words 'Elder Scrolls VI' coming into the foreground. There's few details that we can ascertain from this trailer, unfortunately, which has us eagerly waiting for another trailer to launch some time soon.

Still, if that sweet landscape is any indication at all of what the game will look like, we're definitely pretty excited for the future!

Elder scrolls 6 release date 2020

Where will The Elder Scrolls VI be based?

While many were hoping that Elder Scrolls VI would pick up where we left off in Skyrim, some rumors indicate that that might not actually be the case.

Tom Howard did an interview with Eurogamer, where he confirmed that the Bethesda team has indeed settle on a location for Elder Scrolls VI; however, he wouldn't say where, for obvious reasons. There are some suspicions that it could take place in Redfall, a town in Tamriel, as we mentioned earlier.

However, there's also some suspicion that the game has an internal title called Project Greenheart, which would be a reference to the city of Greenheart out of the region of Valenwood. Valenwood is a verdant area, which is what we saw in the teaser trailer. That said, Valenwood could very well be the possible location.


As far as the price of the game goes, we shoudn't see much of a variance from what we've already seen. When the game eventually does launch, we'll no doubt see a price point of $59.99 for a base game. However, if Bethesda or ZeniMax follows past launches, we also might see a Deluxe Edition and a Collector's Edition.

A Deluxe Edition, depending on what's offered, could easily be priced at $79.99, where many Deluxe Editions in the industry are priced at. The Collector's Edition could sit around $200, depending on what is offered inside of it. We've seen Collector's Edition for games be as little as $80 and as much as $400 or more, so if a Collector's Edition is offered, it would all depend on the type of merchandise and content included.

In typical Bethesda fashion, there'd be the Deluxe version of the game, a season pass, an art book, and possibly even an item or statue, representing the world or place that the game will be based on.

Bethesda or ZeniMax Media will no doubt sell a season pass alongside the base version of the game, and possibly even alongside the Deluxe version, if it isn't included in it. The price of the season pass will likely depend on the content lineup that Bethesda has planned for The Elder Scrolls VI, but if they were to simply follow past launches and other games, players would be looking at anywhere from $14.99 to $29.99 for the season pass.

Season passes are generally beneficial, as it allows players to pre-purchase downloadable content early, and at a discounted price.

What are we expecting to see in Elder Scrolls VI?

We're actually expecting to see quite a bit in The Elder Scrolls VI. Tom Howard hasn't led on to anything just yet, but if we're looking at the past game, and are also considering what Bethesda has packed in other titles — like Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 — there are a ton of possibilities for Elder Scrolls VI.

Home and city building

One of the elements that we're seeing in Fallout 4 is a base building system. And since Skyrim introduced some small mechanics like that in a DLC pack — allowing players to decorate and modify their homes — we're likely to see an expanded version of that in the new Elder Scrolls game.

So, if Fallout 4 and the Skyrim DLC is any signal of what's to come in Elder Scrolls VI, we could very well see an entire town building system, possibly allowing players to even attract villagers to their town.

Modifications to the story

Tom Howard also mentioned that Bethesda is looking into the way that stories are told in the new game. Skyrim told a pretty good story — even through many of the side quests — however, Howard thinks that the immersion can be a little better.

That said, we're expecting to see an immersive story that really pulls players in, really creation a connection with the characters involved in the story. Ac auto clicker 2 6 3.

Tom Howard specifically says that Bethesda is looking at how it can 'tell a better story in an open world.' He went onto say that:

'Each of our games we've had successes and failures and if you ask us internally, we have new ideas that we want to explore in the future because we feel like we haven't really cracked it yet the way we think it could be.'

We don't know what Howard entirely means by this, since we know very few details about Elder Scrolls VI so far. However, we think it wouldn't be too far-fetched to see some better player-choice, and maybe even some cinematic scenes thrown in to tell a better, mor engaging story.

Of course, since the game is taking place in a whole new world, we're also expecting to see an entirely new storyline. It won't be picking up from the defeat of Alduin, so it does look like we'll be starting from scratch there.

We'll obviously see tons of new side quests and side story lines as well. They'll obviously intertwine with the world around them, and if the game will be taking place in Valenwood, players will be going on some beautiful adventures through the verdant land.

What can Elder Scrolls fans do in the interim?

If you're well and done with Skyrim, fans of the Elder Scrolls series still have at least one game that they can play to get their Elder Scrolls fix — The Elder Scrolls Online.

If there's one single MMORPG that's flourishing these days, its The Elder Scrolls Online. Millions are playing the game, and ZeniMax is upgrading it with regular expansions and downloadable content. The game takes story telling, co-op play, and an open world to new heights. At least until Elder Scrolls VI gets here, it's at least worth a shot!


New Elder Scrolls Game 2020

As you can see, there are tons of rumors circulating about Elder Scrolls VI. Unfortunately, there's very few confirmed details that we know about the game so far, aside from the small teasers that Tom Howard has let loose during interviews and speeches.

Either way, in typical Bethesda fashion, we know that Elder Scrolls VI will turn up to be a great game, especially with the studio looking at making some enhancements to the story telling abilities.

We just hope that ZeniMax Media and Falconer sort out the trademark dispute quickly, as that's no doubt one of the biggest hurdles that this game is going to run into. If that gets resolved, we could see the game in a manner of just a couple years, and a beta possibly even sooner.

Elder Scrolls 6 Release Video

Are you looking forward to Elder Scrolls VI? What feature would you specifically want to see in the new Elder Scrolls game? Let us know in the comments section below — we'd love to hear from you!

Elder Scrolls 6 Confirmed Valenwood

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